What are the six elements of ISO 14001?

The environment provides us with a basic life support system, including air, water, food and land. The atmosphere and its ecological health is being negatively impacted due to the unwarranted disposal of waste into the earth’s natural resource pool. Studies show that over 70% of total office waste is recyclable; however, only 7.5% gets recycled. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has developed ISO 14001 Certification to improve the environmental performance of organizations. What is ISO 14001 Certification – Environment Management System? ISO 14001 certification is an Environment Management System (EMS) standard that provides a framework for providing the environment and reducing waste management costs. ISO 14001 standard compliance demonstrates an organization’s commitment to helping businesses and other industries to reduce their environmental impacts. ISO 14001 standard focuses on enhancing an organization’s environmental performance and helps organizations sys...